How we make money

This website: may generate income through advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships.


We  may display advertisements from third-party companies on our website. We may earn a commission for each ad click or impression.

Affiliate Marketing

We participate in affiliate marketing programs. This means that we earn a commission when you click on a link to a product or service on our website and then make a purchase.

We participate in the Amazon Affiliate Program. Find out more in our full disclosure legal section.


We may accept sponsorships from companies that are relevant to our website’s content.

This means that we may receive compensation or other benefits such as a free product in exchange for promoting the company’s products or services.


We believe in being transparent about how we make money.

We want you to know that we may earn a commission from the links and advertisements on our website.

This does not affect the quality of our content or the products and services that we recommend.

We only recommend products and services that we believe will be of value to our readers.

Thank you

Thank you for supporting our website! We appreciate your readership and hope that you find our content on Gallivanting Souls informative and helpful.