Guest Post Guidelines
Thank you for considering contributing to Gallivanting Souls! We appreciate your interest in sharing your travel insights and experiences with our community. Please read the following guidelines before submitting your guest post:
1. Relevance:
– Ensure that your content is related to cruise travel, including family cruise travel, experiences on European and Asian cruises, as well as solo cruise travel. Make sure your submission aligns with our blog’s theme.
2. Originality:
– We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere, including your blog or website. Before publication, all submissions will be run through a plagiarism and AI checker to ensure authenticity and originality.
3. Quality :
– Aim for high-quality writing, well-structured paragraphs, and engaging storytelling. We value content that is informative, inspiring, and adds value to our readers.
4. Word Count:
– Guest posts should be at least 900-1200 words in length.
5. Images:
– Provide high-resolution images (at least 1200px wide) that you have the rights to use. Include proper credits if necessary.
6. Links:
– You can include a maximum of two relevant and non-promotional links within the body of the post. We reserve the right to edit or remove any links.
7. Editing:
– Our editorial team will edit for clarity, grammar, and style. We will consult with you about the final product if major changes are needed.
8. Bio and Promotion:
– You may include a brief bio (up to 50 words) with a link to your website and social media profiles. We do not allow affiliate links.
9. Exclusivity:
– After your post is published on Gallivanting Souls, we request that you do not republish it elsewhere.
10. Submission:
– Please do not send us a post without a prior agreement. You can send your pitch or main ideas to Gallivantingsouls at gmail dot com.
We look forward to reviewing your submission and potentially featuring it on Gallivanting Souls. Please allow up to two weeks for us to respond.
Thank you for being a part of our travel community!