Are you planning a cruise vacation but worried about the daunting task of packing? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to pack for a cruise using the game-changing tool known as packing cubes.

These versatile and efficient organizers will revolutionize the way you pack, ensuring a stress-free and organized travel experience. From selecting the right packing cubes to maximizing space and organizing your belongings, we’ve got you covered.

Say goodbye to messy suitcases and hello to the joys of efficient packing with packing cubes. Let’s dive in!

Introduction to Packing Cubes and Their Benefits for Cruises


When it comes to packing for a cruise, having the right tools can transform your travel experience. Enter packing cubes – the unsung heroes of organized travelers.

These lightweight, rectangular bags or cubes are designed with one purpose: to simplify your packing process and maintain order amidst the excitement of a cruise adventure.

Say farewell to the chaos of jumbled clothing, tangled cords, and misplaced toiletries.

Packing cubes, with their compressible nature, become your allies in maximizing luggage space.

This leaves you with ample room for souvenirs and all those vacation essentials you can’t leave behind.

Join us on a journey to master the art of efficient packing with the indispensable aid of packing cubes.

Having discovered why packing cubes are an excellent investment for cruisers in our previous post, it’s time to delve into the practical know-how of using them effectively. Let the packing adventure begin!

How to pack with packing cubes.

Selecting the Right Packing Cubes for a Cruise


Before you start packing, it’s crucial to choose the right packing cubes for your cruise adventure.

Consider the duration of your trip, the number of outfits you plan to bring, and the size of your luggage.

Opt for a set of packing cubes that suits your needs, offering a variety of sizes and shapes.

It may take more than one trip to figure out which cubes serve your needs.

There is a learning curve to packing cubes.

Look for cubes with sturdy zippers, durable construction, and mesh panels for breathability.

A set with multiple sizes might be best to test out your first go round. You might assume that the largest packing cube might benefit you the most, but that might not be the case.

Investing in quality packing cubes will ensure that your belongings stay secure and organized throughout your voyage.

Feel free to check out my review of Pro Packing Cubes and discover what I loved about them.

Preparing a Packing List for a Cruise


To ensure a smooth packing process, creating a comprehensive packing list is key.

Start by listing essential items such as clothing, toiletries, medications, electronics, and travel documents.

Consider the activities you’ll be participating in during your cruise and pack accordingly.

Choose versatile clothing pieces that can be mixed and matched, saving space and offering various outfit options. Packing with a capsule wardrobe cuts down on over packing.

By having a well-thought-out packing list, you’ll minimize the chances of forgetting important items and make the packing process more efficient.

Packing Your Check-In Suitcase with Packing Cubes:


Gathering Clothes

  • Start with the largest cube
  • Ensure it fits comfortably inside the suitcase
  • Open the suitcase in a portrait orientation


Packing Pants

  • Fold pants lengthwise, then in half, and finally into thirds
  • Place in the largest cube


Shirts and Blouses

  • Fold shirts in half and then into thirds
  • Fill the cube until full or out of clothes


Medium Cubes

  • Allocate space for t-shirts, shorts, swimwear, undergarments, and socks
  • Utilize extra room for smaller items like scarves
  • Use a small cube for accessories (wine opener, cord splitter, dry erase markers, post-it notes, magnet hooks)



  • Different colored cubes for identification
  • Example: One orange cube for your suitcase, one for your husband’s (e.g., pink)


Complete Packing

  • Fill remaining spaces and pockets
  • Place heavier items near the wheels
  • Use plastic bags for liquids, especially if checking the bag
  • Squeeze or swish cubes for extra items
  • Attach a post-it note for contents reminder


Final Touch

  • Add a copy of itinerary before closing the suitcase


Note: This is not the only way to pack, but it works for me.

Packing Your Carry-On with Packing Cubes:

Carry-On Bag Type

  • For hard side  (mini versions of checked bags).Process remains the same, remember carry-on size liquids only
  • Duffel Bag or cloth-tote Bag. Pack cubes similarly to checked luggage. Arrange cubes like a sandwich or in a row for accessibility.

Essential Items Access

  • Consider items needing easy access. Store small cubes with essentials in a set location or in  personal items bag that will be kept under your seat for easy access.

Personal Item Bag

  • Typically a purse,backpack, or camera bag for many US airlines. Holds items like headphones, chargers, a change of clothes, jewelry, valuables,and  prescription medications.

Backpack Carry-On

  • When checking a bag, use a backpack as carry-on. One medium cube for a change of clothes.
    Additional cubes for essentials like headphones, cords, important documents, tickets, passports, and prescription medications

Quick Access Strategy

  • Easily remove specific cubes if asked to gate check the bag. Minimize the risk of losing crucial items during gate checking.
Packing Cubes are issential to keeping your carry- on bag organized.

Benefits of packing efficiently

Packing efficiently is crucial for several reasons, offering numerous benefits for your travel experience. Here’s why you should prioritize efficient packing:

1. Maximize Space:  Efficient packing allows you to make the most of the limited space available in your luggage. By utilizing packing techniques such as rolling clothes, using packing cubes, and optimizing every inch of your suitcase, you can fit more items without exceeding weight limits or needing extra bags. This is especially valuable for cruises where cabin space may be limited.

2. Stay Organized: When you pack efficiently, you create a system of organization within your luggage. Everything has its designated place, making it easier to find what you need without rummaging through a messy suitcase. Packing cubes, for example, help separate items into specific categories, allowing you to locate clothing, accessories, or toiletries quickly and effortlessly.

3. Easy Accessibility: Efficient packing ensures that the items you need are readily accessible. Instead of digging through layers of clothes or unpacking your entire suitcase, you can retrieve specific items without disrupting the rest of your luggage. This saves time and eliminates frustration, especially when you’re on a cruise with multiple destinations or limited time for unpacking.

4.  Less Stress and Hassle: When you pack efficiently, you eliminate unnecessary stress and hassle during your trip. You know exactly where your belongings are, reducing the chances of leaving something behind or losing items along the way. This peace of mind allows you to focus on enjoying your cruise and exploring new destinations without worrying about the logistics of your luggage.

5.  Saves Time: Efficient packing saves you time both during the packing process and throughout your trip. With a well-organized suitcase, you can quickly locate what you need, reducing the time spent searching for items. Additionally, when it’s time to depart or move to a new location, you can pack up efficiently without the need for extensive rearranging or repacking.

6.  Prevents Overpacking:  Packing efficiently helps you avoid the temptation of overpacking. By carefully selecting essential items and optimizing your space, you can pack lighter and avoid carrying unnecessary weight. This not only makes your luggage more manageable but also helps avoid potential baggage fees or the need to lug around heavy suitcases.

In summary, packing efficiently offers the benefits of maximizing space, staying organized, easy accessibility, reducing stress, saving time, and preventing overpacking.

By embracing efficient packing techniques, you can enhance your travel experience and make your cruise vacation smoother and more enjoyable.

How to pack clothes to minimize wrinkles

Disadvantages of Packing Cubes

While packing cubes offers numerous advantages, it’s important to consider a few potential drawbacks as well. Here are some cons to keep in mind:

1.  Added Weight and Bulk:  Packing cubes themselves add a slight amount of weight and bulk to your luggage.

Although they are typically lightweight, using multiple cubes can contribute to the overall weight of your suitcase.

If you’re already concerned about staying within weight limits, this additional weight may be a factor to consider.

2.  Limited Shape Flexibility:  Packing cubes are generally rectangular or square in shape, which may limit their flexibility when it comes to fitting into irregular spaces in your luggage.

If you have unique or odd-shaped items that require specific arrangements, the rigid structure of packing cubes may not be the most ideal solution.

3.  Dependency on Cube Size and Organization: To fully benefit from packing cubes, it’s crucial to choose the right sizes and organize your belongings accordingly.

If you don’t select the appropriate cube sizes or fail to organize items effectively, you might not optimize space as efficiently as expected.

It requires some planning and consideration to ensure the cubes fit well and serve their purpose.

4.  Added Expense: While packing cubes are not excessively expensive, they do represent an additional cost when compared to simply using plastic bags or folding clothes directly into your suitcase.

If you’re on a tight budget or prefer to minimize expenses, investing in packing cubes may not be a priority.

5.  Potential Overpacking:  Having extra compartments and organization options can lead to overpacking.

It’s important to resist the temptation to fill every available space in the packing cubes, as it may result in exceeding luggage weight limits or carrying unnecessary items.

Despite these cons, many travelers find that the benefits of packing cubes outweigh the drawbacks.

It ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual travel needs. Assess your specific circumstances and decide whether the advantages of packing cubes align with your packing style and preferences.

Alternatives to packing cubes

If purchasing packing cubes is not within your budget or you prefer alternative options, there are several alternatives available that can help you achieve organized packing. Consider the following alternatives:

1.  Reusable Bags:  Utilize reusable bags, such as ziplock bags or fabric pouches, to separate and organize your items.

They are affordable, lightweight, and come in various sizes. Use different bags for different categories of items, like clothing, accessories, and toiletries.

Opt for clear bags to easily see the contents or use labeled bags for quick identification.

2.  Packing Folders:  Packing folders are flat, rectangular organizers with compartments designed to neatly fold and stack clothing items.

They are especially useful for keeping shirts, pants, and dresses wrinkle-free. These folders can be found at affordable prices and offer a structured and space-saving alternative to packing cubes.

3.  Compression Bags:  Compression bags are a great option if you’re looking to save space in your luggage.

These bags allow you to remove excess air, reducing the volume of your clothing and maximizing the space available.

They come in various sizes and are generally affordable.

However, keep in mind that compression bags may not offer the same level of organization as packing cubes.

4.  Elastic Bands or Packing Straps: Utilize elastic bands or packing straps to bundle or secure your clothes together.

This method can help prevent shifting and keep items compact within your luggage. Group clothing items together by category or outfit and secure them tightly using the bands or straps.

5.  Rolling Technique:  Instead of using packing cubes, employ the rolling technique to maximize space and minimize wrinkles.

Roll your clothes tightly and stack them vertically in your suitcase. This method allows for easy visibility and access to each item.

Additionally, you can use rubber bands or hair ties to keep the rolls in place.

Remember, the key is to find an alternative that suits your needs and preferences while promoting organization and space efficiency.

Experiment with different methods and combinations to discover what works best for you.

The goal is to pack smartly and make the most of the space available, regardless of the specific organizing tools you choose.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links.

As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no additional cost to you and helps support our website to provide valuable travel tips and recommendations.

We only recommend products that we have personally used or thoroughly researched.

Purchasing packing cubes

Packing cubes can be purchased from various retailers both online and in physical stores. Here are some popular options where you can buy packing cubes:

1. Online Marketplaces: Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart offer a wide selection of packing cubes from different brands.

You can find many brands of packing cubes here on Amazon


These platforms provide user reviews, detailed product descriptions, and competitive pricing, making it convenient to compare options and make a purchase online.

2. Travel and Luggage Stores:  Visit specialty travel stores or luggage stores in your local area.

They often carry a range of packing cubes in different sizes and designs.

These stores may provide personalized advice and assistance in choosing the right packing cubes for your specific needs.

3.  Department Stores:  Major department stores like Target, Macy’s, and Bed Bath & Beyond often have dedicated travel sections where you can find packing cubes.

Check their travel accessories department or browse their online stores for a variety of options.

4.  Outdoor and Adventure Stores:  Stores specializing in outdoor gear and adventure travel, such as REI or MEC, often stock packing cubes that cater to the needs of outdoor enthusiasts.

These cubes may offer durability, water resistance, and lightweight features suitable for rugged travel conditions.

5.  Specialty Brands:  Several brands focus exclusively on packing and travel organization products.

Brands like:

When purchasing packing cubes, consider factors such as size, material, durability, and customer reviews.

Pay attention to the specific features that align with your packing requirements. With a bit of research and browsing, you’ll find the perfect packing cubes to streamline your organization and enhance your travel experience.

Organizing Different Types of Items in Packing Cubes


Efficiently organizing your belongings within packing cubes is not limited to just your main suitcase.

You can also utilize packing cubes to keep your carry-on bag and port bag well-organized. Here’s how:

Organizing Your Carry-On Bag

When it comes to your carry-on bag, packing cubes can be a game-changer in terms of organization. Here’s how you can use them effectively:

Electronics and Cables:  Place your electronic devices, such as laptops, tablets, and cameras, in a designated packing cube.

Keep the associated cables, chargers, and adapters together in a separate cube or a designated compartment within the electronics cube.

This prevents tangling and ensures easy access to your gadgets.

Travel Documents and Essentials:  Use a packing cube to store all your essential travel documents, such as passports, boarding passes, and itineraries.

Include other items like travel wallets, money belts, and travel-sized toiletries within this cube for easy access during security checks or when you need them during your journey.

Always keep your prescription medication in your carry-on bag as well as your travel emergency kit, for quick access.

–  Entertainment and Snacks:  If you plan to bring entertainment items like books, magazines, or portable games, consider using a packing cube to keep them organized and easily accessible during the flight.

Items for Embarkation: When you check in your large suitcase, it’s essential to keep certain items easily accessible before reaching your stateroom. Packing cubes can help you with this.

By dedicating a specific cube to essentials like swimwear, sunscreen, and sunglasses, you can ensure they remain within reach and organized throughout the embarkation process.

You can also use a cube to pack snacks, ensuring they are kept separate from other items and avoiding any potential mess or damage.

Organizing Your Port Bag

Your port bag, which you take with you during onshore excursions, can benefit greatly from the use of packing cubes.

Here’s how you can keep it organized:

–  Clothing and Accessories:  Use separate packing cubes to store different types of clothing, such as swimwear, beachwear, or casual outfits.

This helps keep your clothing neatly organized and allows you to easily find the items you need when you’re out and about exploring the ports of call.

Additionally, designate a cube specifically for accessories like hats, sunglasses, and scarves to ensure they stay protected and readily available.

–  Snacks and Water Bottles:  If you plan to bring snacks or carry water bottles during your excursions like this packable water bottle, packing cubes can be handy for keeping them separate from other items in your port bag. Make sure all snacks are prepackaged. Items like Trail Mix and Granola bars like these Kind Bars and small and travel well.

This prevents any potential spills or cross-contamination with other belongings.

–  Sunscreen and Toiletries: To avoid leaks and spills, place your sunscreen, toiletries, and other liquids within a waterproof bag or a packing cube designed specifically for liquids. My favorite sunscreen is Think Baby. Perfect for baby or for any sensitive skin traveler.

This extra layer of protection ensures that your other belongings remain unaffected in case of any accidental leaks.

By organizing your carry-on bag and port bag with the help of packing cubes, you can keep everything easily accessible and maintain order throughout your journey.

Whether it’s your in-flight essentials or items needed during onshore adventures, packing cubes offer a convenient and efficient way to stay organized and make the most of your cruise vacation.

How to use packing cubes. Folding clothes.

Utilizing Packing Cubes During the Cruise


The advantages of packing cubes don’t end once you’re on board your cruise ship.

Instead of unpacking everything upon arrival, keep your belongings in the packing cubes and place them directly in the drawers or shelves provided in your cabin.

This method allows you to maintain your organization throughout your trip, making it effortless to locate specific items.

Enjoy a clutter-free cabin and spend more time enjoying the amenities and activities on the cruise.


These packing cubes are essential to cruisers for keeping their luggage organized and maximizing their storage space during the trip.

Additional Tips for Packing for a Cruise


To make your cruise packing experience even better, here are a few additional tips:


– Pack a small foldable bag for dirty laundry to keep it separate from clean clothes.

– Utilize the space inside your shoes for storing socks or small items to optimize space.

– Roll clothing items to reduce wrinkles and save space in your packing cubes.

– Place heavier items at the bottom of your luggage to ensure stability and prevent any damage to fragile items.

– Consider using color-coded packing cubes to easily identify specific categories of items and further streamline your organization.


By following these additional tips, you’ll have an even more efficient and organized packing experience for your cruise.


With the help of packing cubes, packing for a cruise has never been easier. Say goodbye to the stress and mess of traditional packing methods and embrace the convenience and organization that packing cubes offer. Maximize your luggage space, keep your belongings easily accessible, and enjoy a smooth sailing experience. Bon voyage!